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Actionable Education: Strategic Data Road Map

Road maps are crucial tools in measuring success. A road map is a communication tool of the process to complete a large and complicated project. There can be many versions of a road map based on the audience, but a well-thought-out high-level version can usually work for several audiences. Most road maps accompany a presentation deck that explains the surrounding details. The life of a road map is fleeting. Like life, things change, so make certain road maps are updated to current conditions and shared at intervals along the way to communicate the progress of the project.

Data Confidence

"Our entire management team has been very interested in data... We started with a simple goals-tracking dashboard. This dashboard is provided to our entire team weekly and is discussed during our weekly all-staff meetings. Staff seems to be very motivated by the goals dashboard provided every week... the lenders and they have met, and exceeded, their monthly goals consistently since this dashboard was rolled out."

CEO from the Midwest

To see an example of a one-page roadmap, please request a copy of the Data Activation Series white paper.



your data?

Then plan on attending the

It's hard to know where to go

when you don't have a map,

the same is true with activating your data.

Let's get you and your data activated by the end of APRIL

Perfect time to send more than one team member AND check that

"launched data journey in 2023" box DONE!


Registration for the APRIL session is CLOSING Soon - Friday, March 24th


Helping you fill knowledge gaps!

We believe that data transformation doesn't have to feel overwhelming or expensive to be impactful. After helping over 600 credit union leaders launch their data journeys, we have identified several consistent knowledge gaps. We have worked hard to fill these gaps with a variety of educational artifacts:

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